Best Inspirational Videos for Meetings

ING Direct Canada CEO: Engaged Employees Perform

Written by David Haneke | Aug 19, 2010 7:45:00 PM

The best sales people are leaders in an organization. And whether they’re leaders of themselves, teams of 5 or teams of 100, they are responsible for building high performance results. Roy Saunderson of Incentive Magazine interviews ING Direct Canada CEO Peter Aceto who comments, “I do absolutely believe that companies with the most engaged employees are the companies that perform over the long run.”

Aceto says that recognition is one of the easiest things to do. He adds that hand written appreciation letters, emails acknowledging a job well done, and one-on-one time together are part of engaging the organization. “People want to feel, for all the effort that they gave you, that you notice it and appreciate it.”

An Awards Dinner is a great place to recognize and engage your sales team…everyone is excited, and they deserve to be! In the time surrounding the event, it’s a place to find out what drives career aspirations, as well as learn about the family of your best performers.

Motivational videos like “Simply the Best” are customizable with profiles of the best districts. These videoclips not only kick off an Awards Event, they're also an integral part of what makes the recognition event so engaging!

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