Best Inspirational Videos for Meetings

Giving is the Best Motivation - Best Motivational Videos

Written by David Haneke | Oct 2, 2013 3:59:00 PM

This is a touching, redemptive motivational video for True Move, a Thai cell phone company.  

This 3 minute motivational video opens with a store owner confronting a 9 year old boy for having stolen some medicine; she is standing out in the middle of the street among a bustling community. The store owner is furious, hitting the boy over the head, to the point where the boy bows his head in shame. People are gathering around at the commotion; while all this is happening,

an owner of the restaurant across the street walks out to the boy. The restaurant owner asks the boy, 'Is your mother sick?", to which the boy sheepishly admits by nodding his head, still bowed in shame. The restaurant owner then pulls money out of his pocket, hands it to the store owner, on behalf of the boy who obviously doesn't have the means to pay for medicine for his mom.  The restaurant owner also asks his teenage daughter to get some vegetable soup from his restaurant, slips it into a bag with the medicine, and hands it to the boy, who quickly runs off to his home. 

A graphic appears: "30 years later". We see the same restaurant owner, now thirty years older, cooking for his restaurant patrons; he tells a customer to take a seat, and then the owner's now 35 year old daughter calls out to his Dad, pointing out a needy person at the door begging for food. The shop owner puts some food in a bag and hands it to the needy person. We then see the restaurant owner getting dizzy and fainting, falling backwards. His fall causes some of the items on his shelves to quake. 

The next scene is the wife in the hospital with her restaurant owner husband. He is unconscious, under a breathing apparatus. A nurse hands his wife a hospital bill.  We see the bill close up, in Thai BAT's. The next scene, the wife is sitting in a now quiet business, no patrons whatsoever, and begins weeping from the pressure of not being able to pay this bill. Next we see a 'Urgent: for sale' sign on the business. The wife meets with the Doctor and explains her situation.

During the next visit, we see the wife at the bed with her husband. She is exhausted, and has fallen asleep at his side. When she awakens, a revised bill is under her hand. She opens it, and we again see a close up summary of medical charges. The previous charges are now 'no charge', with this text at the bottom, "All expenses paid 30 years ago... with 3 packs of pain killers and a bag of vegetable soup", signed by the Doctor.  We see flashbacks 30 years prior to the boy who had stolen medicine for his mother, staring at the restaurant owner in utter amazement that someone would come along side and pay the ransom for his robbery, and believe enough in this boy to also include some healthy soup for his mother. This boy hadgrown up to be the Doctor taking care of the restaurant owner.

This is not just a motivational video, but a touching, life giving story with a redeeming joyful gift from the restaurant owner. 

Are you looking to inspire your team with a powerful story about your business that is similar to this one? Contact me direct and mention my $100 value consultation. If you like the ideas, then our team will create a script, shoot and edit the story to make an impact in your organization for years to come.