Best Inspirational Videos for Meetings

Soap Box Race - Best Motivational Videos

Written by David Haneke | Jul 8, 2016 1:00:00 PM

One of the best motivational videos illustrating that when things don't go as planned, providing a push can make the difference in achieving a dream.

This motivational video opens with a boy working in a workshop. We see him walk up to a calendar and place a big black X on the dates leading up to the big Soap Box Race. Each day, he does a little more work, hammering, planing, sanding, pretending to drive as he walks across the dirt road with only a steering wheel in his hands, all the while marking days on the calendar. 

Finally, after 18 days of focused production... he rolls the hand crafted soap box out into the driveway to give it a spin. Getting into the vehicle, clothed in his high speed goggles, yard gloves and crash helmet, he starts to roll down the hill. He is steering with two hands, enjoying the ride. What he doesn't see ahead is a brewing problem. Another boy, wearing headphones and pulling a wagon of firewood, is walking across the road perpendicular to the roadster. 

The boy in the roadster is looking around, not paying attention to where he's going, blissfully observing the trees flying by, happy as can be. When he looks forward again, he sees that he can't stop in time, and a crash with the other boy's wagon ensues; in slow motion dreamy sequences we see firewood flying into the road, a wheel spinning off, and the roadster slides and skips sideways.  

What a setback! Now the boy is back in the workshop, devastated and discouraged, fiddling with only a steering wheel. Then in walks his Dad in his suit, freshly home from work. The Dad kneels down, and his boy runs to him for an embracing hug. We see a close up of the calendar and notice that there are only 2 days remaining until the big soap box race. How is he going to help make his son's dream a reality? 

In the next scene, the Dad is in workshop clothes, hammering away, working side by side with his son, as they start from scratch to build another soap box. The Dad uses power tools: a grinder, drill, skill saw and electric sander to get the job done. Together, father and son lift the body onto the chassis, both obviously excited. The boy then fastens the steering wheel on - the finishing touch. The proud Dad puts his arm around his son, and then we see them both pushing the car out of the shop. The tagline follows, "Protecting drivers...of all ages", trailed by the Farmers Insurance logo.

In a sales scenario, sometimes we fight hard to hit a deadline, and then, just when things should be wrapped up, things erupt. It often takes a team to complete the mission. This is a great illustration of how to lead by example in teamwork, the Dad selflessly giving time, resources and expertise to fulfill the dream...along with a little elbow grease!

Use the button below to inquire about licensing this motivational video for your meeting. Or, if you're looking to tell your own story using video production, contact me about engaging our creative team to write the script, build a storyboard, hire the actors, shoot the scenes, then provide video editing to make your dream come true by the deadline.