Best Inspirational Videos for Meetings

We're Back - Funny Motivational Video

Written by David Haneke | Mar 30, 2015 11:30:00 AM
This is one of the funniest motivational videos I've seen about interpreting information. We don't always know what our target market is doing, or who is sending buying signals! 

This spot for Adobe Marketing Analytics drives home the idea that marketing data can be misleading, and the signals we are getting may not be from our target audience!

The motivational video opens in a small department of six employees, presumably the marketing department of the Encyclopedia Atlantica, where one employee calls to his colleague, "Peter, come take a look at this!" Without even getting out of his chair, Peter rolls his chair nonchalantly to see what his colleague is looking at.  He sees internet activity zooming in the form of 'buy now' stats.  In astonishment, they both take a printout of the marketing data to their boss, seated in a corner office. They tell the boss, "The numbers, they keep getting bigger and bigger. Clicks are off the charts." The boss, taking this marketing data as a sign that their business is beginning to boom again, speed dials his supplier in China, "Yoshi, this is Walter... We're back!" At which Yoshi, the supervisor at a manufacturing plant for the Encyclopedia Atlantica, responds, "Yes, sir! And he proceeds off his manufacturing platform which overlooks the entire plant, and in his dialect, yells to his production people, "Let's go, let's go!"

We briefly see the manufacturing wheels turning out paper, binding, and packaging.

Yoshi then radios to his suppliers, "We need more trucking", and we see truck headlights light up from the dock. Then we fly over a freight ship in the ocean.  Yoshi then calls his paper supplier on his mobile phone, "I need more trees", and his tree supplier, in the field with many fallen trees surrounding him, with a Brazilian accent responds, "More trees? I'll get you more trees!"  

Then we're transported to a brokerage firm, with one of the brokers telling another colleague concerning the growing stocks, "Hey, take a look at wood pulp." His colleague is talking with a client, and responds with excitement as he taps on his keyboard, "Everything you've got on wood pulp right now!"  We then see one box set of Encyclopedia Britannica being filled and sealed, and another image of the freight ship heading across the ocean, presumably loaded with encyclopedia product. 

We then see a mother and father watching as their toddler repeatedly pushes a button on a tablet. The mother says to her husband, "He really loves that thing!" And we see the finger of the toddler repeatedly tapping on the tablet button, 'Buy Now, $19.95". Then dramatic music wraps the motivational video with the text on screen, "Do you know what your marketing is doing? We can help!"

This tongue in cheek funny motivational video conveys the point that false information can have far reaching, global (devastating) results, affecting manufacturing, jobs, and the future of the company. This story, although contrived, sends home the message about getting professional assistance with marketing analytics. 

Our creative team can assist with creating a humorous video story that helps your suppliers, employees or clients understand the value of your services. I'll even provide a free one-hour consultation to determine the creative message, prior to any production (so you know what you'll be getting). Click the button below to get started!