Best Inspirational Videos for Meetings

Motivational Videos - Luck is An Attitude

Written by David Haneke | Dec 2, 2011 4:55:00 PM

I really like the overarching message of this motivational video, "attitude changes the outcome." The analogy is clear: our attitude in approaching circumstances can be applied to sales efforts or doing something for the good of the community. 

We may not always get the results we want, i.e. becoming the most popular leader, the best sales person, or getting the right girl, but the overall theme of this short motivational video is wonderful: you personally determine an attitude towards the circumstances around you! 

Luck is an awkward concept, at best. The law of cause and effect says that when we sow seeds, depending on the soil we sow into, some will come up with one-hundred fold increase.  I've always heard "the harder you work, the luckier you get!"

Are you looking to illlustrate a similar story for your sales force?  Can I help you with setting the tone at your sales meeting, that attitude plays a major role in the outcome of efforts, as in "Attitude determines altitude"!

Contact me and I can help by either licensing this motivational video for your meeting, or creating something custom, focused on your own product or service.