Best Inspirational Videos for Meetings

Michael Jordan's "Failure" - Motivational Videos

Written by David Haneke | Mar 30, 2012 3:00:00 PM

Michael Jordan, a true dynasty in the athletic realm, briefly tells his story of why he succeeds in one of Nike's amazing motivational videos.


"I have failed over and over and over again in my life... and that is why I succeed", says Jordan. There is nothing truer, in business as well as in athletics.

During college, I sold books door to door in one county for the entire summer, for 10 years.  I was always told that the summer job "pay's through the no's", and how true that was, because every "no" was one step closer to a yes, and then another yes. Truly, most of the biggest 'failures' are also the biggest winners. Is this true for you?

Our organization, Opening Moments Media, produces and licenses content like this Nike commercial to motivate sales organizations; see our motivational videos previews, or contact me and I'll help you find something appropriate for your organization. And yet, you can't really motivate anyone to's something that comes through trial and error, through being willing, as Jordan says, to fail over and over again... and through that, to succeed. Amazing message!