Best Inspirational Videos for Meetings

Motivational Videos - Magpie's Story

Written by David Haneke | May 11, 2012 8:26:00 PM

Magpie's story is told from the point of view (POV) of a canine, sometimes referred to as a 'dog-cam'.  It's quite effective in showing 'a day in the life of' this fluffy actor. 

In this motivational video for, we see Magpie's life from the street level point of view (just above his furry head, with two floppy ears on each side of the frame). Magpie trots from place to place, climbing through drainage pipes, meeting up with a train, avoiding near misses with cars, swimming through irrigation run off, getting food from a trash can, and finally laying down to rest -- to be found by a humane society worker. This worker escorts Magpie into a holding place where he is bathed and then discovered by a teen that initially passes him by, but then returns to take Magpie home, after signing papers. We see Magpie's new active life at home with the teen, finally resting again, but this time laying next to the teen on a bed after playing hard together!

It's possible to tell a similar story from a human point of view, showing 'a day in the life of a top salesman', initially perhaps with poorly chosen actions, but then after some dismal results, giving up the old actions, and trying new results-focused actions. The concluding scenes are a celebration as the client signs the papers and enjoys the benefits!  

Different points of view - as in this inspirational video - demonstrate an experience from a new perspective. Stories told from new perspectives let down guards and engage audiences, and create a sense of ownership...the viewer imagines himself/herself taking different actions.

Can our team help you look at your organization's story from a different point of view? Contact me for a free consultation. I don't bite!