Best Inspirational Videos for Meetings

Is There Life After a Loss Like This? Best Motivational Videos

Written by David Haneke | May 5, 2015 11:30:00 AM

In the midst of crushing defeat, things can seem really tough! At times like this, it seems impossible to celebrate...but not for this team!  



This short motivational video opens with fans from two teams, represented by team blue and team red, walking through the streets after a big game, in slow motion for emphasis.Team red, complete with face paint, capes and victory flags, flaunting their success in an energized frenzy. Among them is Team blue, scowling with disappointment and unbelievable frustration. Team blue walks through the doors of a hotel, booked through, into the lobby. Slow motion disappointment is seen as one fan removes his winter beanie which he drops disappointedly on the counter to acknowledge the crushing defeat.

The music then changes from despair to drumbeats of anticipation, as some of the Team blue fans begin finding diversions to their sadness; one begins to play the piano, one gal grabs four Champaign glasses and shows the excitement of a celebration, for any reason, and another fan puts on the hotels luxurious bathrobe over his team colors, with a smile of anticipation. These fans, committed to one another through thick and thin, victory or loss, get excited about the potential for the future. They obviously love being part of the team, which has changed their mood from somberness to celebration. Dancing ensues as the fireworks begin to splash bright red colors into the sky outside the grand room, which incidentally features a pillar lined circular view of the city. 

I consider this motivational video for a victory dance because we've all experienced setbacks, defeat and disappointing results. However, this team has found a way around that, a way to change their feelings of disappointment into a celebration of good times. I would suggest that any sales force can do the same thing, with a commitment to one another -- relationships that offer forgiveness, and forgetting what lays behind and pressing forward to what lies ahead -- and the good times begin to roll. 

If you are looking to change the mood of your sales force, contact us about licensing this motivational video. Or, Opening Moments offers several licensed customizable motivational videos, or we can create a custom video perhaps similar in story line to this one, that makes the prospect of pressing forward inevitable with the anticipation of good times ahead.