All Production Companies Are Not Created Equal

    Enjoying the Show! 9 of 9

    Tracy Garrity, an outstanding Meeting Producer, concludes her 9-part series on producing an exceptional corporate event, insight for the marketing and sales leader. - David Haneke

    When I first started in this industry, I had a very wise event producer who told me that by the time a good Event Producer arrives on-site, there is nothing for them to do but sit back and enjoy the show.  “You are the guy who brings the ice to the party,” he told me. “Everything else is

    5 Promises to Expect - 7 of 9

    This is Part 7 in an 9-part series on what to look for in the best meeting production companies by expert event producer Tracy Garrity.

    When I buy anything, it is critically important that I understand exactly what I’m buying. I want to know what it’s made of, how long it will last and what maintenance is required, as well as what my experience will be!  -David Haneke

    If it allows for customization, I want to know how much input I have and what are the approval points along the way. I want to understand how much it costs, all inclusive, and when I can have it. The more the item costs, the more due diligence I’m willing to put into the purchasing decision.

    As an informed buyer, it is my responsibility to

    Critical Expectations - 6 of 9

    Tracy Garrity, a Meeting Producer for over 30 years, continues Part 6 of an 9-Part Series on how to select the best meeting production company. - David Haneke

    Processes are imperative in corporate meeting production. I am a process freak.  They are the walls within which the creative ideas abound, bounce around and then thrive.  Everyone benefits from good processes – the client, the production team and ultimately the event.   Expectations are clear, critical information has been communicated,  budgets have been researched and approved, roles and responsibilities are understood and the timeline is agreed upon.  Everyone is singing from the same hymnal.  Success means the same thing to all of us.

    It is critical to know what will make the corporate event a success in the eyes of our clients.  There may be several right answers to this question, depending upon who is asked.  The crucial element is 

    Hand-Picked Team - 5 of 9

    This is Part 5 in an 9-part series on what to look for in the best meeting production companies, written by Tracy Garrity, an experienced Meeting Producer who has been producing live events for over 30 years.  -David Haneke

    The success of any meeting event rests upon the shoulders of the team.  Producers are only as creative, experienced, strategic, connected, savvy, and productive as their teams.  We spend our whole lives cultivating

    Speaking the Same Language! 4 of 9

    I've asked Susan Tarantino, a seasoned Meeting Producer, to guest blog this month. In addition to her wit and her honesty, Susan brings the experience of dozens of wonderfully executed large meetings with her, and I believe you'll find her comments not only real, but helpful in meeting production! This is part 4 of a 9-part series on effective meeting production by our guest bloggers.

    -David Haneke

    Effective Messaging 3 of 9

    I've asked Susan Tarantino, a seasoned Corporate Event Producer, to continue the Event Production series with Part 3 of 9 on the top three priorities in developing an effective message for the organization leader responsible for corporate and sales meetings.

    Defining the message for your corporate event: it’s not as hard and it’s not as easy as you think!  After all, in this economy, every VP will say the message is increasing sales and/or retaining clients. Then enters that other important influencer: the audience.  They want to know what management wants BUT they also have their own questions. They want to succeed and grow. Below I laid out three ideas for crafting a successful message.

    Meeting Production Companies: Created Equal? 2 of 9

    I've asked Tracy Garrity, an exceptional Meeting Producer, to continue Part 2 of a 9-Part Series on selecting the best meeting production companies, focusing on what you should expect from a trusted event production partner.  

    - David Haneke


    When it comes to getting the most bang for your buck, the devil is in the details. 

    It’s very important to make sure that you really are comparing apples to apples.  The best way to insure a fair comparison is to start with a detailed bid.  The more information given, the less