This motivational video focuses on two pals who spend the day together really having fun, doing things that friends, or even a father/son would do. It's got a twist of an ending, revealing the relationship between a father and son!
[fa icon="clock-o"] Dec 31, 2014 7:30:00 AM [fa icon="user"] David Haneke [fa icon="folder-open'] sales motivational videos, father & son, paradigm, collaboration, engagement, A Lifetime of Memories, being understood
Read More »Everyone loves watching motivational videos. But what is the value of a video in terms of the effectiveness and 'stickiness', from a statistics standpoint? Exactly how powerful is an online video for business?
[fa icon="clock-o"] Jan 30, 2014 9:59:00 AM [fa icon="user"] David Haneke [fa icon="folder-open'] motivational videos, video, engagement, return on investment, effectiveness
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