One question that I get asked often is, "How much does it cost to make a video?" Well, that's a great question, and I'm glad you asked! Clients often want a straight forward answer, like, "it's $2,000 per finished minute", or it's $25,000, or, "Here's my rate card". In order to answer that question, may I use an analogy? Buying a video is similar to buying a house, i.e. not all
[fa icon="clock-o"] Jul 12, 2018 5:30:00 AM [fa icon="user"] David Haneke [fa icon="folder-open'] Custom Video, corporate video production, corporate motivational video, video production, motivational videos, video production phoenix, how do I produce a video
Read More »When I was young, I was told that there was a man on the moon. I looked for him in the night skies when the moon was full. Well...apparently this girl found him!
[fa icon="clock-o"] Nov 23, 2015 6:00:00 AM [fa icon="user"] David Haneke [fa icon="folder-open'] motivational videos, inspirational videos
Read More »This is a powerful motivational video which presses in the idea of learning things once, when you're young, especially when it could be lifesaving.
[fa icon="clock-o"] Sep 10, 2015 4:30:00 AM [fa icon="user"] David Haneke [fa icon="folder-open'] sales motivational videos, CPR, motivational videos, inspirational videos
Read More »Everyone loves watching motivational videos. But what is the value of a video in terms of the effectiveness and 'stickiness', from a statistics standpoint? Exactly how powerful is an online video for business?
[fa icon="clock-o"] Jan 30, 2014 9:59:00 AM [fa icon="user"] David Haneke [fa icon="folder-open'] motivational videos, video, engagement, return on investment, effectiveness
Read More »This is one of Dick's Sporting Goods motivational videos telling a remarkable short story of a mentoring relationship from the big brother to his little brother, revolving around a baseball glove.
[fa icon="clock-o"] Dec 21, 2012 12:16:00 PM [fa icon="user"] David Haneke [fa icon="folder-open'] motivational videos, family, baseball, mentoring, glove, brothers
Read More »This is one of the best motivational videos about not letting anything hold you back. Even when the circumstance seems outrageous, Patrick Willis of the San Francisco 49ers says, "Trust that you can get back up and not give in...ever!"
[fa icon="clock-o"] Nov 28, 2012 11:25:00 AM [fa icon="user"] David Haneke [fa icon="folder-open'] Duracell, trust your power, San Francisco 49ers, Patrick Willis, motivational videos, get back up, football
Read More »Red Bull has been designing extreme sports motivational videos to reinforce their brand. This is a continuous, non-stop action video using several camera's, amazing athletes, and some terrific graphics! But it's all one event with no breaks. Amazing!
[fa icon="clock-o"] Nov 14, 2012 9:00:00 AM [fa icon="user"] David Haneke [fa icon="folder-open'] motivational videos, amazing, Rube Goldberg, extreme, Red Bull, kluge
Read More »This is one of Swedish Company Goovin's exciting motivational videos that make you laugh in amazement at what can be done when the risks are as high as the determination to make it happen! The feat of human flight (just a man in a jumpsuit with wings) seems so impossible; the surprise is that it not only happens, but it's exhilarating!
[fa icon="clock-o"] Oct 31, 2012 7:59:00 AM [fa icon="user"] David Haneke [fa icon="folder-open'] amazing videos, movie clips for sales meetings, cliff jumping, preparation, motivational videos, risk
Read More »Ever had a day that you'd like to do over again, to be able to make ever-so-slight changes, so that the result of the day would turn out different? The main character in this animated comedy does exactly that!
[fa icon="clock-o"] Oct 23, 2012 8:59:00 AM [fa icon="user"] David Haneke [fa icon="folder-open'] destiny, Groundhog Day, motivational videos, comedy, animation
Read More »This is such a wonderful motivational video...a feeling that love never ends! We see a couple going back through time, experiencing their love for one one another as they dance!
[fa icon="clock-o"] Oct 8, 2012 11:08:00 AM [fa icon="user"] David Haneke [fa icon="folder-open'] memories, KFC, dance, motivational videos, inspirational video
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