Best Inspirational Videos for Meetings

    Motivational Videos - Doing the Right Thing

    "What started as a whisper, slowly turned to a scream...", the music in the background of this spot sings out. The voice-over talent continues the theme, "Everyday people choose to do the right thing. There's an insurance agency that does that, too. Liberty Mutual Insurance. Responsibility: what's your policy?"

    Motivational Videos - Halftime in America

    You may have seen this spot on the 2012 Super Bowl; the message of halftime applies not only to Detriot, but also to all of us in America, and around the world.

    Motivational Videos: Staying Alive

    This comedy motivational video can seriously help save someone's life! It not only empowers people to save someone else's life, it's funny! Produced for the British Heart Foundation, this motivational video is memorable - a key factor for any campaign, whether it's a motivational video or a keynote address!

    Downhill - Best Motivational Videos

    Victory requires continued perseverance, and sometimes it involves getting knocked down, experiencing upsets and then getting back up.  The determination to win often involves trial and error, correcting our path, then pressing in...again.  Motivational videos like this one for Prairie Milk Marketing Partnership demonstrate that determination pays off!

    Motivational Videos - Seeing Red Cars

    Laura Goodrich, in one of her motivational videos "Seeing Red Cars" challenges viewers with this statement: "We get more of whatever we focus on." Whether good or bad!  For a sales force, for individuals, and for entire organizations, this message really makes sense! In her coaching, Goodrich asks her clients, "What do you want?" And most people respond with what they don't want!  

    Motivational Videos - "Play" for Weight Watchers

    No actors were used in this motivational video for Weight Watchers...and the camera work is tremendous...various lighting scenarios from indoors to outdoors, underwater, moving down the street while recording...all with people who have benefitted from the program!

    Motivational Videos - Army Strong

    I'm thankful for our US Army. Each chance I see one of our service men or women in uniform, I try to go out of my way to say, "Thank you for serving!" This 60-second motivational video addresses brotherhood, getting over yourself, doing something that will change lives.

    Inspirational Video "We Are America" US spells Us

    America-motivational-video-smallA proud tribute to America featuring the energy of the Olympics, our freedom defended by the military, and the special moments of our lives in America; this motivational video has something for all ages!

    Yes You Can! with Dick and Rick Hoyt - Best Motivational Videos

    Rick-and-Dick-Hoyt-smallThe Ironman, for anyone, whether disabled or able-bodied, is inspiring!  As an athlete myself, I have so much respect for those who run, swim and bike these distances, and even more respect for the discipline required to train. 

    ESPN Breaking Barriers - Best Motivational Videos

    Just another teenager with low expectations?  Not hardly.  At 19, Aaron-Fotheringham-ESPN-wheelchair-flipsAaron Fotheringham decided not to let setbacks slow him down. His drive and determination has inspired other athletes, and he has decided to keep improving, learning things that have never been achieved before.

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